labour saga

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

the gurgaon incident


gurgaon the singapore of india emerging as the mnc"s
hub for india. and foreign origin companies are ALSO
very well placed there and one of them is honda. a
japanese company or say tryely a foreign company
commencing only profits from india and has no feelings
for india nad its people . the recent incident is has
proved this.
in a democracy the labour is provided with some rights
to protect them from harassment and to protect their
fundamental rights as a citizen of india. the labour
or workers have a right to ask their managements about
their demands and needs. agitations or "bandhs" are
the only last and proper weapons for them to realise
their managements as well as the other people about
their needs and demands. all of this happen that day.
i think it was very thinked conspiracy behind this
incident from the honda management. as evry big
companies have good relations with govt. pfficials and
the honda company misused its relatiob by trying to
get failed the agitation of the demanding workers.
this happened in front of hundreds of media cameras
and the honda management has try to curb the protest
and behaved with the laborers aas they are their
i think govt. of india should have to take a strict
action towards these types of managements so that the
rights of the labour should be protected. also tyhe
govt. of india should apply such laws by which in
future they will be able to take necessary ,immediate
and strict action towards these type of managements/.
labour laws are also the fundamental laws of every
indian labourer in india and no foreign as well as the
domestic mangements ahs to broke them and insult the
indian constitution. the govt. should form a body
which see in such types of issues in indian industry
so that they can necessary step to avoid such type of
situation in future.


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